(Wel) dyma gyfoeth gwerthfawr llawn

(Cariad Crist)
Wel, dyma gyfoeth gwerthfawr llawn,
  Uwch holl drysorau'r llawr,
A roed i'w gadw oll yn nghyd,
  Yn haeddiant Iesu mawr.

Ei gariad lifodd ar y bryn,
  Fel moroedd mawr didrai;
Ac fe bwrcasodd yno hedd
  Tragwyddol i barhau.

Ei gariad bery pan fo'r byd
  A'r heulwen fawr yn ddim;
Ac nid oes gariad yn y byd
  Gyffelyb yn ei rym.

Pan syrthio'r sêr fel ffigys îr,
  Fe bery gras fy Nuw,
A'i faith ffyddlondeb
    tra fo nef;
  Anghyfnewidiol yw.

               - - - - -
(Anchwiliadwy olud gras)
Wel dyma gyfoeth gwerthfawr llawn,
  Uwch holl drysorau'r llawr,
Wedi ei ro'i gadw oll y'nghyd,
  Yn haeddiant Iesu mawr;
Boed tragwyddol barch a moliant,
Fyth i Frenin y gogoniant,
Ar ei 'Fengyl wen bo'r llwyddiant,
  I ddwyn heddwch, i ddwyn heddwch,
    I derfynau eitha'r byd.

Ei gariad lifodd ar y bryn,
  Fel moroedd mawr didrai,
Ac fe bwrcasodd yno hedd
  Tragwyddol i barhau:
Boed tragwyddol barch a moliant,

Ei gariad bery pan bo'r byd,
  A'r haulwen fawr yn ddim,
Ac nid oes cariad yn y byd,
  Gyffelyb idd' i'w rym':
Boed tragwyddol barch a moliant,

Pan syrthio'r ser fel ffigys îr,
  Fe bery gras fy Nuw,
A'i faith fryddlondeb
    tra fo'r nef,
  Anghyfhewidiol yw:
Boed tragwyddol barch a moliant,

               - - - - -
(Clodforedd y saint am rad ras)
Wel, dyma gyfoeth gwerthfawr llawn,
  Uwch holl drysorau'r llawr,
Wedi roi gadw oll 'ynghyd,
  Yn haeddiant Iesu mawr,
Boed trag'wyddol barch a moliant,
Byth i frenin y gogoniant,
Ar ei efengyl wen b'o llwyddiant,
  I ddwyn heddwch,i ddwyn heddwch,
    I derfynau eitha'r byd.

Ei gariad lifoedd ar y pren,
  Fel moroedd mawr di drai;
Ac fe bwrcasodd yno hedd,
  Drag'wyddol i barhau,
Boed trag'wyddol barch a moliant,

Er maint fy llygredd o bob rhyw,
  Er cymmaint yw eu rhif,
Ac er fy nwydau cyndyn chwith,
  Sy'n para byth yn gryf:
Afon loyw redodd allan,
Orseddfa'r nef ei hunan,
I olchi'r euog,
    cas a'r aflan,
  Halaluia. Halaluia,
    Dw'r heb ddarfod,
        dw'r heb drai.

Af at yr orsedd fel yr wyf,
  Anfeidrol orsedd gras;
Datguddia'i yno nghlwfau maith,
  A'm holl archollion cas,
Afon loyw redodd allan,
Wel, dyma gyfoeth :: Dyma gyfoeth

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Christchurch (<1876)
Farrant (Richard Farrant c.1530-80)
Gloucester (Salmydd Ravenscroft 1621)
St Ann (William Croft 1678-1727)
Tiverton (F T Grigg / Ripon's Selection)

[MC 8686+88447]:
Ashley (Martin Madan 1725-90)

  Af at yr orsedd fel yr wyf
  Doed uffern angeu a holl rym
  Er maint fy llygredd o bob rhyw
  Nid oes o fewn i mi i gyd
  O tyred Arglwydd saif wrth raid
  Tydi fy Arglwydd yw fy rhan

(The Love of Christ)
See, here is fully valuable wealth,
  Above all the treasures of the earth,
Given to keep all together,
  In the merits of great Jesus.

His love flowed on the hill,
  Like great unebbing seas;
And it purposed there peace
  Eternally to endure.

His love shall endure when the world
  And the great sun shall be nothing;
And there is no love in the world
  Comparable in its force.

When the stars fall like fresh figs,
  The grace of my God will endure,
And its vast faithfulness
    while there be heaven
  Unchangeable it is.

                 - - - - -
(The unsearchable riches of grace)
See here is full valuable wealth
  Above all the treasures of earth,
Given to keep all together,
  In the merit of great Jesus;
Let there be eternal reverence and praise,
Forever to the King of glory,
On his blessed Gospel be the prosperity,
  To bring peace, to bring peace,
    To the utmost ends of the world.

His love flowed on the hill,
  Like great unebbing seas,
And it purposed there peace
  Eternally to endure:
Let there be eternal reverence and praise,

His love shall endure when the world
  And the great sun is nothing,
And there is no love in the world,
  Comparable to it in its force:
Let there be eternal reverence and praise,

When the stars fall like fresh figs,
  The grace of my God shall endure,
And its vast faithfulness
    while there is heaven,
  Unchangeable it is:
Let there be eternal reverence and praise,

                 - - - - -
(The acclaim of the saints for free grace)
See, here is full valuable wealth,
  Above all the treasures of the earth,
Given to keep all together,
  In the merit of great Jesus,
Let there be eternal reverence and praise,
Forever to the king of glory,
On his blessed glory be prosperity,
  To bring peace, to bring peace,
    To the utmost ends of the world.

His love streamed on the hill,
  Like great unebbing seas;
And it purposed there peace,
  Eternally to endure,
Let there be eternal reverence and praise,

Despite my corruption of every kind,
  Despite how great is their number,
And despite my stubborn, awkward lusts,
  Which is enduring forever strong:
A clear river ran out,
From the throne of heaven itself,
To wash the guilty,
    detestable and the unclean,
  Hallelujah. Hallelujah,
    Water without perishing,
        water without ebbing.

I will go to the throne as I am,
  The infinite throne of grace;
I will reveal there my vast diseases,
  And all my detestable wounds,
A clear river ran out,
See, here is ... wealth :: Here is ... wealth

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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